📸 Restore blurry photos using AI

🤖 Internet Is Beautiful

Hi! 👋

This is Jaisal from Internet Is Beautiful. A free weekly newsletter where I share the the most interesting, useful, and awesome websites from the depths of the internet.


Before we begin, a quick shoutout to our sponsor for this issue -

Ready to take your startup to the next level but struggling to find the right developers? Lemon.io provides a trusted source of pre-vetted candidates to make your search easier and faster.


Let’s dive in!

🤩 New Websites

(Don’t forget to bookmark your favourites!)

PhotoRestore helps you restore old or blurry photos leaving you with clear and high-quality images using AI.


FlipClocker is a free website that resembles a retro style flip clock with realistic animations. Watch the time flip by and add a stylish touch to your desktop.


Tired of using “very” to describe everything? This free website is the best way to expand your vocabulary and find better alternatives.

Before you go, a quick shoutout to…

The Generalist is a free weekly newsletter that unpacks the strategies of the world’s most successful companies in tech. Join 65,000 thinkers, builders, and investors.

🥳 Get Featured

Want your website/project/app featured in the newsletter? Submit it here.

We’ve had a ton of email submissions over the last few weeks which has been overwhelming, please consider submitting again so that you can be added to the queue! :)

🙌🏻 Sponsor Us

Would you like to sponsor our next newsletter issue and reach 7,000+ startup founders, tech enthusiasts and early adopters?

Fill out this short form and I’ll get back to you asap.

That’s it for this time! See you next week. 🤗

— Jaisal (@ratheejaisal)

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